Bulletproof Business Builder

Launch And Scale Your Business From 6 to 7-Figures

Envision your dream business and lifestyle – then prepare, organize and hire your dream team so you can leverage your time, resources and energy to hit your next level business.

Are you a small business owner, ready to organize yourself and your business so you can build your first core team that will help you take your business from 6 to 7-figures and beyond?

The Bulletproof Business Builder is a 12-month jumpstart program, carefully designed to help you put all the business fundamentals in place that will enable you to organize and set up your business so that when it’s time to grow and add a team, you are scaling ready without compromising your time, sanity, or freedom.

You’ll learn to strategize, prioritize and execute like never before with our guided curriculum, supported by weekly Q&A sessions designed to help you overcome roadblocks in real time and keep you trajecting toward your goals–this is NOT just another course that’ll collect digital dust on your laptop.

Most business owners get to 7-figures through trial, error, a whooole lot of wasted time and money … and no freakin’ clue how to sustain it once they get there.

Let's save you the trouble to make sure your business model is scalable, to manage your time and prioritize your efforts, plan strategically and to put all the pieces in place that enable you to “get the right people on the bus” and make sure they’ll actually deliver.

Bulletproof Business Builder is designed to help

  • Busy business owners who are currently mostly working IN their businesses, wearing most of the hats, ready to start building their army who can help them grow.

  • Rapidly growing business owners who know, if they don’t get help soon, they will start failing and disappointing their customers

  • New business owners who know they will need to hire soon and they want to get it right from the start, without all the growing pains

  • Business owners who’ve been in business for a while but are still getting stuck in the weeds, great at what they do but have never had any “formal” business education

  • Experienced business owners who know THEY are the biggest bottleneck because they don’t really know how to lead and their good people are failing because they don’t have what they need to deliver at a higher level…

We’ve made the mistakes and worked out the kinks so you don’t have to.

If you’re a self-motivated visionary who doesn’t just dream of making money, having fun and creating an impact, but you’re willing to put in the REAL work required to get there…

Bulletproof Business Builder is the missing link between you and your wildly profitable business that gives you the freedom you built your business for…

What’s on the inside…

The curriculum: 3 Phases to WIN

Phase 1: Operations (Workflow)

1–Strategic Planning

2–Time Management

3–Next Level Delegation

4–Meetings that Don’t Suck

5–Lead to Hire, Retain And Grow

6–Communication and Accountability

Phase 2: Policies and Procedures (Influence)

1– Org chart: when is it time to hire?

2– SOPs

3– Handbooks

4– Employee Contracts

5– What NOT to say when you are hiring/firing

Phase 3: Hiring (Network)

1– Job Descriptions That Do The Heavy Lifting

2– Job Ads That Shine

3– Interviewing For The Right Fit

4– Closing The Deal

5– Onboarding

Weekly Group Coaching Call

Meet with your strategist and peer group each week to: discuss roadblocks, ask questions and get feedback, and keep you moving forward fast.

Exclusive Facebook Group

Get your questions answered in between Q&A’s

By the end of this program, you’ll




Have a clearly articulated strategic plan that’s MEASURABLE for accountability

What you don’t measure can’t grow and without metrics you can’t hold anyone accountable so growth is a non-starter.

Know how to hire, lead, inspire and grow your dream team

Get the right people on your bus, put them in the right seats and give them the tools and processes to lead the business FOR you.

Be organized and focused to contribute strategically to the company at your highest level
Live in your zone of genius, focus on strategic growth and execution so you can lead your company to be #1 in your industry, positioned for rapid growth and healthy profits.


Have a clearly articulated strategic plan that’s MEASURABLE for accountability

What you don’t measure can’t grow and without metrics you can’t hold anyone accountable so growth is a non-starter.


Know how to hire, lead, inspire and grow your dream team

Get the right people on your bus, put them in the right seats and give them the tools and processes to lead the business FOR you.


Be organized and focused to contribute strategically to the company at your highest level
Live in your zone of genius, focus on strategic growth and execution so you can lead your company to be #1 in your industry, positioned for rapid growth and healthy profits.

More importantly,

Bulletproof Business Builder  will get you unstuck – so you can stop wasting time working IN the business where more growth just means more work for you…  using aligned strategies that are sustainable, scalable, and can adapt to any industry, market, economy, schedule or lifestyle.

Bulletproof Business Builder:

how we’re revolutionizing online business education for YOU…

  • LIVE weekly group calls with our team to get you unstuck and keep you moving forward (plus, gain insights and clarity from other business owners in the community).

  • 18+ years of experience helping more than 500 businesses around the world put the 3 P’s in place: People, Priorities and Processes, translated to our online curriculum.

  • Comprehensive curriculum to develop your business and leadership structure to position YOU as the CEO and your team as the muscle behind the strategy (including future

    updates and additions to the curriculum – at no extra cost)

  • Tactical, implementation-driven training, to guide you through not only WHAT to do, but WHY and HOW

  • Templates and samples you can use to save you time (and headache!)

Our digital content library supported by weekly Q+A sessions will give you not only a clear understanding of the strategy, but a roadmap to implement quickly and without blockers – so you can experience impactful growth without wasting time.


You're not gonna believe this but we're up 40% over last year and we're gonna have the best year we've ever had.

Ryan Lucia,
CEO of Aaron Overhead Doors


We're taking a month off, having a great time, and our crew is rising into the challenge to run it in our absence.

Rick Hutton, President HIGH-TECH SCREENS & SHADES


Before joining Bulletproof I was flying by the seat of my pants. With Bulletproof I saw the path to how I was going to grow into the type of leader my team and business need.

James St. Clair,
DVM CEO TopDog Health

Hitting 7-figures in your business doesn’t have to be a “must be nice.”

You can do it AND put your faith and family first.

You can do it AND prioritize your health, your children, your relationship.

You can do it AND give back to the world and impact hundreds in a meaningful, positive way.

Becoming the best in the industry and delivering EXCEPTIONAL results for your client sounds great on paper. Making it happen in actuality, is a different story. That’s why we’re here.

11 out of 12 startups WILL fail within their first few months, and here’s why…

  • They’ve built an unscalable business model, and lack the training, support and resources to build sustainably

  • They don’t have a great team, so they don’t have the support that they ABSOLUTELY need to take on more, still WOW their customers and not work 24/7 and lose their minds.

  • They lack consistency in implementation and are constantly chasing shiny objects  instead of MASTERING what WORKS.

With Bulletproof Business Builder, we’ve created a system to hold you accountable for doing the work and getting results with weekly support calls that supplement what you’re consuming within the curriculum.

We’ve helped service providers in more that 50+ industries achieve explosive 6, 7 and 8-figure success that has allowed them to:

  • Get out of the weeds and focus on priorities and opportunities

  • Build teams of accountable rockstars that can execute without them

  • Become insanely productive

  • Become #1 in their industries, multiply their locations, expand nationally and even globally

  • Reinvest in growing their team to empower, accelerate their growth and expand their capacity to serve and impact others

And you’re next.

Payment Plan

12 Monthly Payments of $497/month

Pay-In Full

One Payment of $5K ($900+ discount)


  • Weekly live group calls

  • Bulletproof Business Builder Course

  • Exclusive Facebook group for questions and community

  • No contract–come and go and come back as you like


  • Weekly live group calls

  • Bulletproof Business Builder Course

  • Exclusive Facebook group for questions and community

  • Worryfree value

Pay-In-Full BONUS:

A one-on-one strategy session with our team to kick off your onboarding experience – discuss immediate challenges, roadblocks, and goals to gain and understanding of where you should focus FIRST to maximize your results in the program

Payment Plan

12 Monthly Payments of $497/month


  • Weekly live group calls

  • Bulletproof Business Builder Course

  • Exclusive Facebook group for questions and community

  • No contract–come and go and come back as you like

Pay-In Full

One Payment of $5K ($900+ discount)


  • Weekly live group calls

  • Bulletproof Business Builder Course

  • Exclusive Facebook group for questions and community

  • Worryfree value

Pay-In-Full BONUS:

A one-on-one strategy session with our team to kick off your onboarding experience – discuss immediate challenges, roadblocks, and goals to gain and understanding of where you should focus FIRST to maximize your results in the program

It’s time that you become the CEO of your business and fall in love with growing it again

You bring great results to the table but you know it can’t be all on you if you want to grow.

What you really need is:

  • A leadership and operational system that helps you leverage YOUR time so you can focus on strategy and become #1 in your industry

  • A team that OWNS all the day-to-day operational stuff so you don’t have to think about “running” it anymore

  • The right tools that help you build the right plan for you and your team so you can all be focused on the right priorities that drive revenue, growth AND profit.

  • Your time back so you can have the freedom to take advantage of new opportunities, see your family, give back, AND have the energy again to actually do something fun…Your time back so you can have the freedom to take advantage of new opportunities, see your family, give back, AND have the energy again to actually do something fun…

Hosted by

Simone Janssen

Former COO and CPO, business strategist and executive coach Simone started her career in the grind of the corporate and startup world and decided there had to be a better way…

She has been responsible for creating systems to chart effective leadership, team performance and career growth in companies all over the world, from Silicon Valley to New York, Europe, India, Dubai, Africa and Australia. Since founding Bulletproof Business Growth and Salt Leadership, Simone has helped over 500+ companies transform the performance of their leaders and teams, adding over one billion dollars to their bottom lines cumulatively.

She is passionate about helping business owners step into their next level of self and team leadership and believes that small businesses have the power to change the world, one leader at a time.



  • Online course material, unlocked at enrollment

  • Monthly customized action plans

  • Weekly live Strategic Advisory calls with Simone followed by master coaching + implementation co-working (every Tuesday at 12pm ET)

  • Weekly office hours for questions

  • HR and hiring support sessions

  • 2 monthly 1:1 calls with your Business Strategist: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your business

  • Three 1:1 calls with our HR expert for hiring/HR questions

  • Unlimited online support in your slack for questions and homework reviews

  • Lifetime access to all online program modules


1 PAYMENT OF $15,300 (15% discount - first 5 enrollments)

  • Online course material, unlocked at enrollment

  • Monthly customized action plans

  • Weekly live Strategic Advisory calls with Simone followed by master coaching + implementation co-working (every Tuesday at 12pm ET)

  • Weekly office hours for questions

  • HR and hiring support sessions

  • 2 monthly 1:1 calls with your Business Strategist: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your business

  • Three 1:1 calls with our HR expert for hiring/HR questions

  • Unlimited online support in your slack for questions and homework reviews

  • Lifetime access to all online program modules

  • 15% discount for the first 5 clients, then 10% discount

  • BONUS: Virtual group VIP day with Simone Janssen on Friday, June 28th from 1:30-4:30 pm EST ($25K value)



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