Here is what some people are saying about this process...

It’s time that you become the CEO of your business and fall in love with growing it again

You bring great results to the table but you know it can’t be all on you if you want to grow.

What you really need is:

  • A leadership and operational system that helps you leverage YOUR time so you can focus on strategy and become #1 in your industry

  • A team that OWNS all the day-to-day operational stuff so you don’t have to think about “running” it anymore

  • The right tools that help you build the right plan for you and your team so you can all be focused on the right priorities that drive revenue, growth AND profit.

  • Your time back so you can have the freedom to take advantage of new opportunities, see your family, give back, AND have the energy again to actually do something fun…Your time back so you can have the freedom to take advantage of new opportunities, see your family, give back, AND have the energy again to actually do something fun…

Hosted by

Simone Janssen

Former COO and CPO, business strategist and executive coach Simone started her career in the grind of the corporate and startup world and decided there had to be a better way…

She has been responsible for creating systems to chart effective leadership, team performance and career growth in companies all over the world, from Silicon Valley to New York, Europe, India, Dubai, Africa and Australia. Since founding Bulletproof Business Growth and Salt Leadership, Simone has helped over 500+ companies transform the performance of their leaders and teams, adding over one billion dollars to their bottom lines cumulatively.

She is passionate about helping business owners step into their next level of self and team leadership and believes that small businesses have the power to change the world, one leader at a time.



  • Online course material, unlocked at enrollment

  • Monthly customized action plans

  • Weekly live Strategic Advisory calls with Simone followed by master coaching + implementation co-working (every Tuesday at 12pm ET)

  • Weekly office hours for questions

  • HR and hiring support sessions

  • 2 monthly 1:1 calls with your Business Strategist: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your business

  • Three 1:1 calls with our HR expert for hiring/HR questions

  • Unlimited online support in your slack for questions and homework reviews

  • Lifetime access to all online program modules


1 PAYMENT OF $15,300 (15% discount - first 5 enrollments)

  • Online course material, unlocked at enrollment

  • Monthly customized action plans

  • Weekly live Strategic Advisory calls with Simone followed by master coaching + implementation co-working (every Tuesday at 12pm ET)

  • Weekly office hours for questions

  • HR and hiring support sessions

  • 2 monthly 1:1 calls with your Business Strategist: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your business

  • Three 1:1 calls with our HR expert for hiring/HR questions

  • Unlimited online support in your slack for questions and homework reviews

  • Lifetime access to all online program modules

  • 15% discount for the first 5 clients, then 10% discount

  • BONUS: Virtual group VIP day with Simone Janssen, date TBD ($25K value)

Kevin Santiago - CEO, The Heirloom Group

Every once in a while you get a breakthrough in life. Bulletproof Startups has been one of those for me. I’ve read every business book worth reading, worked with Stephen R Covey, done Robbins' UPW and Business Mastery twice and so on... All of them have been amazing, but what has put it all together for me is Simone's simple and systematic framework to getting my vision into the hearts of my team and empowering them to build that vision for me. Within a couple of weeks my team and business were transformed. My investment has already been repaid 10-fold. I wish I had this framework earlier in my career and I thank Simone on every call for changing my business... and my life!

Kevin Santiago - CEO, The Heirloom Group

Steve Vallejos - CEO, PrefabADU

Simone quickly tuned into exactly what we were dealing with to customize our path to focus on the immediate issues we were having and helped get us get on track. We were able to right the ship within a few weeks and then focussed on getting everyone rowing in the same direction. Team performance went way up and so did revenue at the same time as we've lowered cost. I learned how to get/stay out of the weeds and get to focus on mission and growth.

The initial program was such a huge part of our transition that we’ve signed up for the ongoing Bulletproof Momentum group to help us stay on track and address some of the new opportunities and obstacles as they surface.

Steve Vallejos - CEO, PrefabADU

Dana Lynch - CEO, Dana Lynch Design

Knowing a thing and IMPLEMENTING a thing are two wholly different concepts. As a self professed business geek (and former M&A lawyer) I have nerded-out to countless business books, Harvard case studies and podcasts. I am instantly charged up with the next shiny-object and my team is grateful as my enthusiasm wanes and we are back to normal - or on to the next thing. This is why Simone has been instrumental in creating change for our organization. She SYSTEMATIZES all of the important puzzle pieces in one place. Instead of individual shiny-nuggets-of-goodness (that invariably somehow contradict), Simone creates a package of the best of the best thinking, to get it all done and make consistent, calculable change in your business and, for an entrepreneur, your headspace and life. Simone's tough love, step-by-step guides and weekly meetings keep me on track and build the momentum. She's the best thing that's ever happened to us.

Dana Lynch - CEO, Dana Lynch Design

Brian Rainey - CEO, Gooten

As the CEO of a rapidly growing tech startup I felt like I was reaching the edge of my skillset when it came to scaling myself and my team. There was a lot of disparity in the team which really blocked our ability to execute as a cohesive force. Through working with Simone and the processes in Bulletproof Startups we got our team on the same page, executing on the right things at the right time. We have surpassed our aggressive revenue goal several months in a row now and are on track for profitability—a huge difference from where we started. Building the right team with clarity, getting all of our internal communications optimized and finally thinking big picture and long term plan has helped me to become a much better CEO and catapulted us to a new level of business.

Brian Rainey - CEO, Gooten

Ant Taylor - CEO, Lyte

Lyte is reporting 202% growth YTD, on track for 300% by year’s end and we just signed a major strategic partnership yesterday. None of this would have happened if we hadn’t gotten our act together with the right systems to make us a truly aligned and highly performing organization. Thank you, this would not have happened without you.

Ant Taylor - CEO, Lyte

Kristen Hazard - CEO, Wildnote

Working with Simone and Bulletproof Startups helped me take my company to an entirely different level. Got the strategy, got the systems now! What’s even better though, she got me thinking bigger and communicating my vision to my team and customers in a much more powerful and congruent way which in turn, doubled our revenue inn record time.

Kristen Hazard - CEO, Wildnote

Mike Meier - CEO, M+M Industries

Since I started with Simone’s training everything in our organization has been starting to click and is getting better daily. We tripled our revenue with half of our staff… We are all working towards the same common goal—the change is amazing. I feel that we are finally out of "business purgatory" and miracles are happening. As an entrepreneur we have great ideas and great goals but most of the time when our organization starts to grow we start to lose the vision of those goals due to all the fog being created by the daily grind. Simone has been crucial to bringing clarity and getting us back on track. Wish I would have found Simone sooner. It sure would have saved us a lot of money and headaches.

Mike Meier - CEO, M+M Industries

Liz Knuppel - CEO, Skystone Partners

I chose Simone and BPS because I could tell the result of our partnership would be a practical, workable plan. What I didn’t expect was the massive internal transformation her program caused for me. Without Simone and this program, I would still be exhausted, overstretched, and unfocused. It’s because of the straight forward systems that work together like a charm and her guidance that my team has stepped up and the firm is in the path to sustainable growth and record profitability.

Liz Knuppel - CEO, Skystone Partners



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